Originally Posted By: zmjezhd
We do have a Queen but no English

The Netherlands is the only place where folks seem to speak to somebody they don't personally know in English. Weird.
[Fixed typo.]
P.S. Post on this one:correction
We speak English only to people we don't know. As soon as we know them we help them with all the fricatives there possibly are.

There's a little book:
Xenophobe's guide to the Dutch by Rodney Bolt. Pretty accurate. In sixty light pages you know all the good and the bads.And funny as well.
(on checking the edition I see there is one Americans too, and one seperate for California (why?))It's time I bought the one about America I think. (No guide on Aussies.(Mr. Pook!))
I think it's about time I bought these two too.(24 in total)

Guide : this