Thanks, guys; I was busy (and then exhausted) all weekend. If anybody has any further questions, holler.

It IS just for fun, and yes, it's on the honor system. I can't say for other hogmasters/mistresses, but if somebody submits the real definition (whether they looked it up or knew the word or just had a lucky guess), I simply wouldn't list it for voting. Though I'd probably send a PM inviting another submission.

We started off trying to keep score, but that went by the wayside for a variety of reasons. So, sometimes people who know the word submit as good a fake def. as they can come up with; and likewise (as can anyone) sometimes simply vote for the (fake) definition they like the best.

tsuwm, I still haven't forgotten your one, lone vote preventing me from getting a...whaddyacallit? blankout...blackout...oh, SHUTout, confound your little hide! ;-) (For newcomers, what I'm saying is that on one game I ran, nobody but tsuwm voted for the real def.) Anyway, thanks for the reminder: I had completely forgotten about trying for untraceable etymology!