I agree--and yet, on some level, everything is political!

he quotes Mark Bittman (food columnist for the NYTimes)--but it's out of context.. Mark isn't a vegan, or even anti meat.. He's frequently done columns/tv shows about skills like butchering a pig (to make fresh sausage)

of course there is an element of truth to his complaint.
Dairy farm used to be one of the biggest polluters in NYS.. not from cow pies, but whey.

Now there are whole industries for using whey.

ever wonder why there was ELMER (a bull) Glue? Elmer's glue is a by-product of cheese making.. cut the curds, drain of the whey, and then make it into at least 2 products (that i know of)
elmers glue
caisen plastic (knitting needles are sometimes made from this plastic)

one advantage to plastic made from caisen (a milk protein) is the plastic is biodegradable (it only last about 50 to 100 years before it breaks down)

Last edited by of troy; 03/19/08 03:41 PM.