
Was the word for 8 February. The following was in the description:

"lychnobite (LIK-nuh-byt) noun

One who works at night and sleeps during the day.

[From Greek lychnos (lamp) + bios (life).]

-Anu Garg (words at

"Before the enfeebled of the dull-eyed lychnobite of the press could
succumb to its influence, the cheerful voice of the magician awoke him."
Observer Journal (Dunkirk, New York); Nov 5, 1887."

I don't understand the sentence quoted from the Observer
Journal of Nov. 5, 1887.

1) Isn't enfeebled an adjective? So what does it modify?
2) Is the implied person a servant of the lychnobite?
3) What is the antecedent of "its"?
4) Who is "him"?