tsuwm, you might want to make it clear at the top that you are quoting the article rather than going off on a loooong rant of your own. (You know how I jump to conclusions)

1) Google does not have every bit of data in its evil clutches. In fact, all you have to do is add a few hidden key words at the top level of your website and Google won't (er, isn't supposed to) look at it at all.

1a) Certain sources are segregated by Google apart from the main site. Newspapers are one of these. If you go to news.google.com, you can actually find the article, but you still have to know that it is not current and look under Archives.

2) Google is not smarter than you (even though it tries to act like it). Its suggestions are based on what other people have searched on most. It would seem that many many people are more interested in how old Prince Harry is than his mad axe skills.

Last edited by Myridon; 02/01/08 04:56 PM.