Quoted from O.Sack's Musicophila:

"The ability to maintain a sense of timbre constancy is a multileveled and extremely complex process in the auditory brain that may have some analogies with color constancy--
indeed, the language of color is often applied to timbre, which is sometimes referred to as "sound color" or "tone color".

Funny, that when you turn "tone color" around to "color tone", you find yourself in the field of visual arts concepts; "color tone " is 'the grey- the tone value' of a color.

In both art forms they affect "timbre" and "shade", though seing and hearing are located in different parts of the brain.

I don't know exactly what to make of this,(I know not much more about the brain than that like most people I got one), but when you add "shades of meaning " to it (from today's AWAD context), they are all three together: music, visual arts and language.

Last edited by BranShea; 01/21/08 07:36 PM.