Our Witches and Warlock's Quality Control Officer says,
... it's too hard to follow where and what one is about without some continuity.

Are you sure you've come to the right place?
Continuity does exist here, but it is far from obvious and of a relative nature most of the time!

But, further to the substantive point you are making, I keep on trying to access particular threads from my home abacus, only to get the "This file is currently not available" page, which abounds with unhelpful suggestions as to the next action to take. It doesn't happen to every thread - about one in four, I guess, and always one where I'm burning to stick my beak in.
It doesn't happen on the highly inferior automatic cleft-stick that I am issued with at work, either.

What is going on - is there a plot? Maybe Jazz is right! Perhaps Satin has got(ten) into the works? Or have we lost the plot?