Originally Posted By: belMarduk

We can't say lions DO share any more than they DON'T share. We can definitely say they SOMETIMES share, but saying that they DO implies that it is the way the will always act, which isn't the case.

Do you see what I mean?

I disagree. DON'T is always. DO isn't. If my lovely wife says I don't buy butter when I go to the store I say that I did last week. And, to compare a lion in a pride situation where he has a bunch of women-folk doing most of his hunting for him with a lone lion or one in a band of prideless males leads to conflicting results. The head of pride male isn't going to have a pride for very long if he doesn't share. If nothing else, everyone else in the pride will starve. A male in a band of males can let them go off and form their own band or kill their own zebra and do their own hogging.