Regarding my difficulties, including an application for password repeated half-dozen times I had contacted a most patient and helpful Citizendium Administrator, Steve, my latest email to whom follows, while I am hoping perhaps a knowledgeable WS subscriber might further help herewith

Steve: At wits' end I cannot express how embarrassed I am about being unable to log in to Citizendium and regret most acutely the need for continually bothering you like this. I have tried both my preferred password and the new one you recently assigned, both with and without the period after L representing my middle name, but I only get the error message below. As I am very eager to post an article that I believe your readers will find most instructive I do hope you can help me

I have tried all the links "Start here," "Log in," "Start article", etc, and every time I get this same message. Clearly I am still doing something wrong in spite of my credentials as retired electronics engineer, inventor, and writer, with some 17 years experience on the PC and the Web. Perhaps we can do an end run on the algorithm. For instance, suppose you [or a WS participant] register, log in, etc, for me. If you are successful, then, simply provide me a link, hyperlink, or sublink which I can click on and which will instantly get me to the page where I can paste my article. But if you are unsuccessful, then perhaps you can discover much more easily than I, where I have gone wrong

Meantime with your permission I am forwarding this message to several experts in the field; two Information Technicians in the aerospace industry, a couple of retired PC experts, one or two communications specialists in the field of journalism, and two or three engineers familiar with certain aspects of the software industry who may conceivably be able to provide some insight

If it is any help, I have had similar experiences at other sites, and have finally had to concluded that one feature of these sites' software is that they will block any applicant attempting unsuccessfully to log in after a fixed number of successive tries, on the theory that he must be a hacker. Another possibility is that somehow your Log-In algorithm somehow has detected your typographical error and is confused about my middle initial in which case no doubt your programmers may be of some help

.Thank you again for your patience, and best wishes from the Holidays and New Year-Dale HilemanError message cited above:

Your user name or IP address has been blocked.
The block was made by Stephen Ewen. The reason given is seemingly insolvable login problems, will simply recreate account placing a period after middle initial.
* Start of block: 18:23, 20 August 2007
* Expiry of block: infinite
* Intended blockee: Dale L Hileman
You can contact Stephen Ewen or another administrator to discuss the block. You cannot use the 'email this user' feature unless a valid email address is specified in your account preferences and you have not been blocked from using it. Your current IP address is, and the block ID is #1120. Please include either or both of these in any queries

Earlier messages:

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Ewen []
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2007 2:28 PM
To: Dale Hileman
Subject: Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: Re: blocked]]

My error, your username is

Dale L. Hileman

Dale Hileman wrote:
> Steve again thank you for your patience but before I get involved again, my
> middle initial is L not T but let me know if I should use T anyhow-Dale
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen Ewen []
> Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2007 11:50 AM
> To: Dale Hileman
> Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: Re: blocked]]
> Did you get the new password?
> **********If it is ........, yes
> Login with
> username: Dale T. Hileman
> ...and the password the system should have just sent you.
> Steve
