re: A comprehehensive theory about the nature of God and the Universe shouldn't take more than a sentence or two;

but who cares? if i want to discuss religion (or my theories about the nature of god (or if there is one) i don't do it on a WORD board.

Religion--can all to quicky turn to prostilatizing..(at best!) at it worst, it is divisive!

i'm not interested, not in those who want to talk religion in the subway, or the missionaries who come to my door.. and i don't want any here, either, thank you very much!

I don't want to be told how to live my life.. or to have someone else shove their version of immortality, or morality down my throat, (all for my betterment, or so they claim)

I don't tell you how to live your life, or to drink (or not drink) or to womanize (or to not womanize) to go to church, (or not to) and if i was interested in discussions of theology, i would go to an appropriate place to discuss them.. NOT TO A WORD/LANGUAGE BB.

it is irresponsible of you milo to encourage such behavior. --
why don't you drown your sorrows in a bottle of what ever it is you like and write some fiction.. I love your fiction!