Here we go:

a.) A punctuation fubar. For example:
A woman without her man is lost.
A woman; without her, man is lost.

b.) n. Biol. (cellular) material similar to chromatin, most often found in mitochondria.

c.) NOUN: Logic A syllogism in which one of the premises or the conclusion is not stated explicitly.
d.) a cultural fashion which has gone extinct

e.) a mood-altering phrase

f.) Christian theology the cultural basis for Christian love.

g.) A request to be infused with herbs.

h.) (noun): Any idea or narrative present in a person's mind prior to birth. Synonym of archetype.
i.) defective wing casing, particularly in chirping insects such as crickets

j.) one of a collection of poetic devices intended to evoke a visceral reaction from the reader.

k.) what the bound and gagged prisoner says to his/her rescuer

l.) The stem of an individual floret in the center of a yellow composite.

m.) a state of collective temporary amnesia.

The hogmistress, after some thought, deigns to give the entrants' names: AnnaStrophic, Aramis, BranShea, consuelo, Elizabeth Creith, Faldage, olly, R. Eastcourt, shanks, themilum, tsuwm, wofahulicodoc, and a dictionary. The hogmistress did not enter this one--she already has enough to think about at the moment.

So--cast your-all's votes by the end of the day on the 29th. The end of MY* day, that is! Midnight for me, EST, equals 5 a.m. on the 30th., GMT.

*She said, taking tsuwm's statement that hogmistresses/-masters can set their own rules!