I find these two terms confusing.

An aureole is a halo, esp. as dipicted in art. It is also another term for corona and another term for areola. An areola (or areole), is a small circular area of pigmented skin around a nipple or pustule, or any of the small spaces between the veins (or nervure) of an insect's wing. But (get this) it is also, but not always, defined as another term for aureole.

Whatever their respective definitions, if aureole is another term for areola, and visa versa, these two words can mean exactly the same thing. So why are there two separate definitions?

Below, "[Yes]" means that the definition is not included but implied by reference to the other word; "Yes" that the definition is included in the entry for that word.

1 [Yes]
2 [Yes]
3 Yes
4 Yes
5 [Yes]

1 Yes
2 Yes
3 [Yes]
4 [Yes]
5 Yes

1.) a circle of light or brightness surrounding something, esp. as depicted in art around the head or body of a person represented as holy.
2.) the rarefied gaseous envelope of the sun and other stars.
3.) a small circular area, in particular the ring of pigmented skin surrounding a nipple.
4.) any of the small spaces between the veins on a leaf or the nervures on an insect's wing.
5.) the zone of metamorphosed rock surrounding an igneous intrusion.

Last edited by Hydra; 09/09/07 09:27 AM.