Jackie: Thank you for that link. For others with the same problem, from the main page, click again on "How to get...", then "Sandbox"

I've been at it for what seems like several hours already

In "Sandbox", click on "edit". If it doesn't let you in, that may be because it doesn't accept your usual password, but you must get one from Cit's Admin. You're on your own for this

Once having acquired a new password, you will have to go back to "Main" and start over. Please note, however, that if your new password doesn't work, it may be because it contains two successive uppercase V's, which made them look like a W

When you reach "edit" for the second time you will get an error message indicating that you haven't signed in using your new password, whereupon you must again return to "Main", where you will find "user preferences"

You return to Main only to find that there is no "user preferences" link. But there is a "my preferences," which you click on. Here you will have to re-enter your real name and your new password (which by now you had forgotten, and so I hope you had saved it somewhere). Don't forget to click on "Save"

Whereupon you are returned with an error message to the effect that you still gave the wrong password. Going back to the source you magnify it and learn to your dismay that it actually was a W, whereupon you enter it again.

Now however, you still get the same error message. Baffled, you once more have to consult Admin to learn why, whereupon you're advised that using "my preferences" link you can change your password to anything you want, which you then proceed to do, entering the value you use at other sites and which thus are much easier to remember

But now you get an error message requesting your new email address. But you don't have a new one, it's the same as it always was. But nonetheless in the space provided you delete your email address and retype it

Now, though, you get another error message indicating that still you've entered the wrong password, even though it's the one provided by Cit and you copied it exactly as it was given. So again you go back to Admin for further instructions

Whereupon your contact gives up in despair, entirely understandable, providing a link to his site troubleshooter constables@citizendium.org, who we trust will have all the ultimate answers

You're beginning to feel like the Orlando pastor who was lost at the airport for two days


Hang in there, more coming soon

Last edited by dalehileman; 08/18/07 03:44 PM.
