Really, AnnaStrophic and sjmaxq witch and warlock? No... could this explain the stickiness of this board? Dark powers on the prowl? (ò_ó)

[ Warlock may come from the hypothetical (unattested) Old English waer-loga, "oath-breaker", or it may come from the (fully-attested) Old Norse Vard-lokkur, "caller of spirits".

Generally when looking at the origins of the words "warlock" and "witch"(along with others), the Anglo-Saxon and Old English often need to be traced to the Nordic languages. This makes sense when it is realised that the Celts of Central Europe originated from the northern tribes, before their culture mixed with that of the Mediterranean lands and the aboriginal races of what is now Britain. It is well-known that due to difficult access of the remote northern areas (i.e., for the Romans), the Nordic/Saxon cultures retained a greater degree of purity within their customs and language, so this may also be a contributing factor .]

"caller of spirits". (see parallel thread : Dry )