We're approaching the end of the voting period and, while I haven't sat down to tally everything yet, it seems like there are many potential voters who have not yet chosen one from among the many very plausible and authentic-sounding definitions available. So please cast your vote ASAP. The bar will remain open until 2:00 AM but the kitchen closes at 11:00. Billiard balls must be returned by 1:30.

EDIT: The owner of the pub has informed me that in honor of the 4th of July holiday we will be staying open late until the kegs run dry. Also, I'd like everyone to welcome Sergeant Neil Howie of the West Highlands Constabulary who is visiting us. Someone buy 'im a drink and we'll all sing a rousing rendition of "The Landlord's Daghter."

Last edited by Alex Williams; 07/09/07 08:18 PM.