"Many years are left before my death"

Knock twice on wood with you say that! That's okay though, I already knocked for you. And mahogany.

Back on topic. As someone who can think fluently in two languages, as someone who can see so many points of view in life I'd call what you're presenting a gross oversimplification of the human mind. Do you really think so little of the mind, what created skyscapers, airplanes, trains, cyberworlds, that you believe that language determines so much? Many people can excel and think beyond language. Do you think Einstein thought in terms other Germans could understand?

That's why people coin new words. That's why the English we spoke 1000 years ago didn't sound anything at all like the language we speak now. Growth, expansion, thinking beyond language to create language. Life is so much more than that, that it's sad to think that people can even subscribe to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.