Funny you should say that, zmjezhd, as I've been browsing the aforementioned Suffix Dictionary and have found this:

-MACHY n combining form -ES [Gk -machia, fr. mache battle,
fight <fr. machesthai to battle, fight) + -ia -y] : warfare : contest between or by means of (logomachy)

...which clearly has nothing to do with what I'm looking for. There's nothing for '-math', either, which came to mind after I read your post as a possible skew in my memory but which I thought possible.

Browsing further down I had cause to slap my forehead in annoyance when I came across:

MIS- or MISO- combining form Gk, fr. misein to hate + misos
hatred : hatred (misogynic) (misoneism) (misosophy)

...of course, misanthrope etc., maybe I should be looking for a prefix instead? But even with that we're still in Hatred territory, whereas I'm looking for mere dislike. I don't really hate very much: but there are loads of things which **** me off a bit!