Originally Posted By: Maven
Do you think that all languages embody full communication? Or that all languages combined convery mastery of all concepts?

The problem is that not all concepts translate well from a specific language to another specific language. The words, the grammar, the structure, etc are tools used to convery concepts, but some which are not identified by word (either spoken or written). Within a given language group (ie, English) there are so many variations (color vrs colour, as a simple example) that to identify any single language as all encompassing. I can visualize things which I can not adequately describe to share...Language fails on many levels, no matter the mastery.

Language can't fail, Maven, only words can. No word in any language conveys the same exact meaning each time it is used; words can only approximate. And, as for that nebulous word "concept", yes, many concepts can not be expressed easily and succinctly in words other than the originating language, but many concepts are known by many of us that are not capsulized in any language.

