Originally Posted By: tsuwm
here ya go, Milo; debunk this.

-joe (one moon is both the same) friday

Ok Joe, here I go, I hope you have the elan to applaud it.

For a long time man was not a man but a pack. We were pre-people who hunted far and wide to feed the ingroup. Central to our continuance was the need of an ability to find our way back home, and in deep woods a critical guide was the cardinal points, half of which are East and West.

Simply put: Like all animals we humans see only that which enables us to continue through time. So being pack hunters for the most part of our career as a species, our eyes evolved highlighting receptors to better see the position of the setting Sun and Moon. This visual enhancement helped us find our way back home and kept us from being eaten too often by other dumb animals.

Simple huh?