Originally Posted By: Faldage

I own two square inches of land on the moon, but they're not contiguous. And I ain't selling.

I checked and found that Faldage does own two sguare inches of non-contiguous barren craterland on the moon, but the reason he ain't selling is that his property is located on the darkside of the moon where the sun don't shine and that is why and where he is stuck and can stick it.

Best beware, BrabShea, of moon hustlers like Faldage and tsuwm, they'll try to sell you what ain't there. Ever see a breathtakingly beautiful full moon that seems to occupy half of the evening sky? That is one of their tricks. Take a picture and you'll barely see a little orange dot. All they want is your money.

Last edited by themilum; 05/17/07 11:42 AM.