I am a 34 year old female. If you mean an occupation as in a job or a talent, none. I am Eurasian half Korean half German.
Q1- I suppose I have always thought of ambiguity as a lack of or over compensation of one who has low self esteem. Never knowing quite what to say, not having a firm believe in what they say anyway

Q2- I believe it is in everyday conversation. what the hell is the matter with saying I don/t know what that means. But for some reason we need to know everything, alot of people do. How sad that they go through life saying they understand but miss out on so much

Q3- I would have to say a b and e

Q4- b negative

Q5- Everybody Loves Raymond

Q6- Those concentration vitamins they sell on informercials

netly they use humor to cover their lack of true knowledge

Q9- a)mmm looks good / are you sure it's cooked all the way
b)same old stories / does grandpa even know who we are
c)he's getting so tall / why is he still dating that tramp

Q10- plane=airplane vs plain
bark=barking dog vs tree bark
rock=rocking vs rocks of dirt
line=standing in line vs line of poetry

Q11- yes and no
yes and no

And not to hurt your feelings but I really didn't get humor out of either sentence. Keep in mind that the depths of my stupidity at times are astonishing.[quote][/quote]
