Originally Posted By: Faldage
In vino veritas.

Sometimes, Faldage, but not often. I do my best lying when I'm drunk.

But I'm glad you made your amusing point because therein lies the literary pivot that kept Vonnegut out of the company of literary giants. Namely, that the actions of people are the results of a complex of multiple urges and not just a from a single structured concept.

My post about setting down an empty bottle was made because...

(1) After reflection I felt that I had understated my admiration for Vonnegut.
(2) I wanted to keep his memorial thread going in hopes that others would post their thoughts about Vonnegut.
(3) I wanted to amuse and abet those who think I drink (I do, but not nearly enough).

But Kurt, God Bless Him, built his plots around simple minded people who were about as complex as a brick.

No matter, he made me laugh and his outre outlook framed many of my own outre thoughts.

Last edited by themilum; 04/25/07 08:15 AM.