and whip Uranus

Uranus is from the Greek god Ουρανος (Ouranos), which is also the Greek word for 'sky' from the PIE root *wer- 'higher place', cf. Old English wer-nægl 'abscess, blain; ulcer', Middle Irish farr 'pole, post, stanchion', Welsh gwar 'neck, nape' (< *wṛsā-).

Latin ānus 'ring; anus' is from PIE *āno- 'ring', only two cognates are Armenian anur 'necklace; ring' and Old Irish āinne 'ring; anus' (< *ānīnjo-). Not to be confused with the 4th declension anus 'old woman, hag' from PIE *an- 'male or female ancestors' (onomatopoeic), cf. New High German Ahn '(great) grand-father'.

I'll pass over the German for 'necklace' (Halsband) or the rings around Saturn (or Kronos, i.e., Uranus' son) Saturnringe in silence.

Ceci n'est pas un seing.