Boy hidlee, Bo Diddley, this contest ain't no contest if subjected to the sharp mind of a hip practitioner of the process of elimination, as follows...

a) the small caps which lower over the upright columns supporting harp lamp shade holders. ObviouslytED Once he ran a Hogwash where the answer was the name of an obscure screw inside the drawer of Victorian furniture.

b) a quick snort at the time the sun goes over the yardarm. "Care for a little tiddledies?" Faldage The boy likes to toss an occational drink and likes to toss about nautical terms like "yardarm".

c) intricate scrollwork and rosettes added in the latter stages of building of gothic cathedrals for the purpose of fine-tuning the acoustics. Musick! It's not like you to ramble on in such a coherent fashion. Stop it!

d) knick-knacks, gewgaws, gimcracks; oddments tsuwm obviously. If you have to ask why, then you need to re-enroll in Hogwash 101.

e) [from Eastern Papua New Guinean Pidgin English] obnoxious child Who else but Shanks

f) [Scots] Haggis droppings Aramis Although clever most times, at times he can be graphic.

g) a fun Mensa game much like tiddlywinks but played with dice.

h) glossy fringes and tassels Now, at last, O'happy day, we can eliminate the women: The woman in the glossy fringes and tassels is none other than [BranShea

i) like Puck, a spirit of mischief (originally Lancastrian dialect). Origional dialect my eye! Unlike Puck our spirit of mischief is a woman. Ain't it so AnnaStrophic!

j) [Old Norse] a practitioner of sleight-of-hand. Hold up your hand, Sparteye your slight of hand can't fool a hipster. Note now, hogsters, the last gaping gasp of the chicks.

k) healthiness lasting into old age, from dialectal 'tid', meaning 'fresh' or 'tender', and OE 'eald', or oldness. Ah ha! Now at last we get to a most believable construction. Great job, themilum

l) [<ME tydle + dye] chips used in a game that evolved into (modern form) 'tiddlywinks'

m) soft flexible ice or chunks of floating ice Oh goody, here Curuinor gives us a choice. Thanks Curuinor.

Ok Hogpeople, that leaves two...

l) [<ME tydle + dye] chips used in a game that evolved into (modern form) 'tiddlywinks'


g) a fun Mensa game much like tiddlywinks but played with dice.

Vote now!

I trust trust me...let us trust together.

Last edited by themilum; 04/14/07 02:31 AM.