re: Or am I still missing the point of what type a word is classified as?

there is supposed to be a point to DH 'class system' that extends beyond his incomplete and not fully developed idea (of type 1 or type2, or type 3 words)?

Oh. i just saw it as a very personal, idiosyncratic, and not fully developed idea of classification that he obsessed about.

i have my obsessions, occationally i talk about them here. then i remember, they are my obsessions, and while they let others learn about me, (sometimes to my detriment!) they are generally only of interest (well, obsessive interest!) to me.

dale seems to think we should all share his obsessive interest. and make them our own.

he thinks because a word has no interest, or little use to HIM, it should have no interest and little use to any one else.
(that says something about how he thinks, doesn't it?)