
Let (prevented)
homely (a talented homemaker but cozier than Ms. Stewart)
cute, (I think meant ugly but I can't find it, anyone
Also meant sly)
Cunning (cute - modern version)
I can think of several one way shifts but no double shifts.
Actually cute and cunning have kind of traded defs which is a double shift of another color.

Thanks, Zed. The words you list are examples that illustrate why I asked the question. The "let/let" change is not at all uncommon, but I'm interested to know if other words have done as "nice" seems to be doing, and drifting back to having a similar tone or intent to its original meaning. At the very least "nice" is now often damning with faint praise, when it's not actively dismissive. It's the trek back that makes it an interesting question, at least to me.