It's about this:

We had the prepositons a while ago :
at,on,in,to,with etc. You must have automatically learned the prepostions from early childhood on as I did in my language.

But the following I guess you must have been taught to do well:
Words ending on y ye uy ie.
Confusing :
to ly,lie die dye buy by bye bye,to fly rye tie. etc.These words are specially confusing when used in the adjective form. Dying, dyeing , lying , lying?

Is there any memory belp in this matter?
More of those helpful rhymes like Pennyless posted?

"A flea and a fly in a flue
Were stuck, so what could they do?
"Let us flee!" said the fly.
"Let us fly!" said the flea.
So they flew through a flaw in the flue. "

I did this post because from this little rhyme I noticed how a little word learned this way really sticks to memory, ('flue 'new to me and 'flu', which I always wrote as 'flue')

Dictionary look-ups are fine for difficult words and they hang on easy, but those little ones... well maybe memory works differently with each person.

Last edited by BranShea; 02/25/07 06:20 AM.