
...people keep telling me, "oh, it's just because you've been to a bad sushi place - you have to come with me to MY sushi place and you'll see it's great"...

There are some among us who want to take a fire hose to such oafs. Here is an excerpt from an obscure, unpublished work:

Now, liver is one of those healthy things to eat, but is supposed to taste bad. Unlike other things, liver continued to taste bad even as I got old. But there is just no reason to wreck the flavor of anything on purpose, such as by adding cilantro or cumin. “Oh, it’s good” may have been an adequately convincing argument for things like turnip greens, but it does not cut the mustard [of course that had to get in] in the spice world. There is no way starving people anywhere in the world would be thankful for that stuff. I have found I am not the only one to think cilantro is vile, so do not put it in my soup thinking it is just my imagination. Also remember that cumin tastes like dirt. Anyone who thinks to ask, “How do you know what dirt tastes like?” must never have been four years old. Finally, I call on backing from the Old Testament. In Deuteronomy 4.3, it says, “Ye shall not eat any abominable thing.” Obviously that also applies to Yeti and Sasquatch, even without cilantro.