I am also from the South and I share TheFallibleFiend's distaste for okra. I don't like the flavor and I don't like the texture. I do like sweet potatoes though. I grew up not eating grits because my parents don't like them, but when I had cheese grits for the first time in North Carolina (as part of a delicious dish called shrimp & grits) I loved them.

I don't like liver. For one thing, cow liver smells like human liver and so it reminds me of autopsies. I had jerk chicken once in a Caribbean restaurant and it had a slight hint of wintergreen in it that reminded me of gross anatomy class. (They add some wintergreen to the formalin these days.) I was unable to finish the dish despite a valiant effort. Sushi doesn't bother me, but it tastes bland and I have never understood what the fuss is all about.