Kia ora all and thanks for the explanations.
I remember as a youngster, about 6 or 7, listening to adults talking and using words that were foreign to my limited understanding and vocabulary. They used big words that I as a child had no concept of, it was almost another language that I was determined to learn. I wanted to be like them. Now, I liken the language I use to driving a car. I get in, start the engine, chuck it into drive, hang my arm out the window and enjoy the cruise. It is the vehicle we use. Some people take the direct 'A' to 'B' route. Some people take the scenic route, others go around in circles. Occasionally we slow down for a red light and stop, we wait idling, then we're away again. I for one have only learned as much as I have needed to know about the engine and its myriad of components that combine to get me to 'B' but I do find it interesting to know how it works. It allows me to enjoy the ride.