i am, um, 47 (same age as when i started posting here at AWAD) and for 47 years, i have never seen the need to catagorize words as 'type 1, type 2, type 3'

i see that it is useful to know if a word is a noun or verb, if it its current or obsolete (not that i haven't found obsolete words in my vocabulary!). its is also useful to know if something is a brand name--and not really a word.

Knowing were the word came from is useful, and helps me understand the word.

but what use is type 1, type 2 and type 3?

are these catagories used to sort out speakers/writers with little education, middleing education, or advanced educations ? the purpose of the "type" seems to be to sort the USERS rather than words.

let's be sure not to get too uppity.. and speak or write with words out of class.. i mean, should i be asking my self, when and where do i have the right to use type 3 words? when i use type 3 words am i flaunting my edjumacations? or speaking out of turn?

are we going to have laws passed about who can (or can't) use certain words? like the sumptuary laws of the past?

and who make up the list? (right now, dale has appointed himself judge, jury and exicutioner. (and we can, if we want, prove him wrong(oh, thank you lord, for this small grace!)but we are expected to just take his notion, (a not too well thought out one, since even he has trouble explaining it so people understand) and live by it?

well i reject his notion of "type" and i reject his being the arbitrator of which word is which type, and will continue to use words, just plain words, as i see fit. He can think i am elitist in my choices, and i can think he is a bulling idiot.