wysiwyg is more than just color!

my first computer was a TI99/4a (a 16 bit processor home comupter) it had a 40 character screen.
if you wanted to format your documents, you needed to put in printer codes.

the standard typed page has about 55 to 60 characters (or 8.5 X11 or A4 paper) if you used screen margins, (40 characters) it looked odd (very wide margins)

if you set margins to 60 characters, you couldn't see a complete line of text on the monitor! (it went wide as we sometimes see here)

the solution was to see a 40 character screen (easy to read on the monitor, but to set 60 character margins for printer.

so what you saw on screen, was definately not what you got on paper. (for simple text not to much of an issue, but if you wanted to formate indents, or insert other files (images) and formate the text around the image, its was mental gymanstics--trust me, i know, i was rather good at it!
(i used a austrailian word processor (funnel web software) that was very useful, but there wasn't for the whole time i had the system, anything close to wysiwyg software for word processing!