With a nod to Helen, for her attention to outmoded words, I find myself thinking of literary works which are enriched by language from past times. I just found an intriguing story by Neil Gaiman, called "A Study in Emerald" (it won a Hugo Award for Best Short Story in August of 2004), which creates a world similar to Victorian-era England, largely through the use of vocabulary. Evocative examples:

repair (as a verb)
gouts of drying ichor
magic lantern trickery
shag (tobacco)
procrustean bed
ash and dottle

Another work which is strongly colored by specific vocabulary and voice is Charles Frazier's novel
Cold Mountain . I immensely enjoy a book which sends me to the dictionary to look up obscure or archaic words that enhance a story.

So I thought I'd open up a discussion, where people might share literary works which are richer for rare words. Any takers?