
And if, as an astute "reader" of my audience, I truly believe that the majority (or even a significant minority of them) will know what yaud (though of course as a purist I prefer the more traditional yawd) means, then I will use it, but if and only if there is a need for it.

[humble opinion] I don't think an author should cater slavishly to the tastes, literacy, or ken of his readership. Where's the challenge for the reader? But more importantly, if the use of obscure words was necessary for the author to maintain a fidelity to his intentions, he should not water it down out of consideration for the lowest common denominator. If he feels generous, he should provide a glossary. (Nabokov, Burroughs, and Robert Musil have all glossed words at various times.) But failing that, he should trust that his reader has a dictionary, and, if he cares enough, will use it. [/humble opinion]