You're back. It looks like I jumped the gun in accusing you of a post-and-run thread. Sorry.

Well, here's my two cents on this subject, if you really want it.

You speak as though there were a one-size-fits-all solution to this question "When is a big word too big". With all due respect, I think the question is rather literal-minded and naive. It is like asking, "When is it inapproprite in painting to paint a rampant tiger?" or "When is it bad to use a cymbal crash in a symphony." It depends on any of an almost infinite number of considerations.

Of course, you might give a few examples and ask: "Does such-and-such a word work in this sentence?" Or, "Would a rampant tiger be inappropriate in this painting?" You might then try to draw up some general rules, but you would find it impossible: unless each of the rules were infinitely long, there would be an infinite number of exceptions to each rule.

So... just use your sprachgefuhl?

Last edited by Hydra; 12/07/06 10:03 AM.