....and I'll let y'all figger out yer own points, but Fr. Steve fooled the most people, and ParkinT, musick and etaoin got the right definition. Eeeew, indeed.

a) (slang) the detatchable flashing light used primarily by volunteer firemen and police (consuelo: voted for by Faldage)

b) (Danish) the notches in the stem post of a longboat created by the friction caused by the painter used to secure the ship to a shore fixture (musick: voted for by Fr. Steve)

c) after blip: a brief static interruption on a radar screen
Later called a blipie by cameramen when the FCC made use of the blip to beep unapproved words from live television. A corruption of blipie was made popular by the TV comedy "Laugh In" in its lampoon of the FCC in calling the human arse a bippy. From a transcript of a 1972 Senate Hearing investigating Rowan and Martin the bippy is euphemmistically referred to as a blype.(milum)

d) an embellishing architectural ornament used to counterbalance a gargoyle (AnnaS)

e) a disease of cattle. Symptoms are brittle hooves and horns (Faldage: voted for by themilum)

f) a spacer used in printing to separate two lines or characters which appear too close together (Fr Steve: voted for by AnnaS, tsuwm, wofa, TEd)

g) a small shred or roll of skin (OED: voted for by ParkinT, musick, etaoin)

h) the metal tube pounded into a sugar maple tree to collect sap (TEd: voted for by consuelo)

i) collective term for large amounts of sonar interference (ParkinT: voted for by Aramis)