a) (slang) the detatchable flashing light used primarily by volunteer firemen and police

b) (Danish) the notches in the stem post of a longboat created by the friction caused by the painter used to secure the ship to a shore fixture

c) after blip: a brief static interruption on a radar screen
Later called a blipie by cameramen when the FCC made use of the blip to beep unapproved words from live television. A corruption of blipie was made popular by the TV comedy "Laugh In" in its lampoon of the FCC in calling the human arse a bippy. From a transcript of a 1972 Senate Hearing investigating Rowan and Martin the bippy is euphemmistically referred to as a blype.

d) an embellishing architectural ornament used to counterbalance a gargoyle

e) a disease of cattle. Symptoms are brittle hooves and horns

f) a spacer used in printing to separate two lines or characters which appear too close together

g) a small shred or roll of skin

h) the metal tube pounded into a sugar maple tree to collect sap

i) collective term for large amounts of sonar interference