

Because you now have a 2 to 1 chance of picking the right door. If you chose the wrong door in the first guess (a 2 to 1 chance) by changing you will get the right door.

Huh? My point?
Look Faldage, I don't want to call attention to your inarticulate sentence structuring but this is my point: Just what the heck does your sentence mean? Changing will not get you the right door; changing will only give you a 66.6% probability of getting the right door.

Wull, I spose it might could be inarticulate if you don't understand the basics of logic and if/then statements. What's that? You don't see no "then" in there? OK, if you cain't read between the words here it is:


If you chose the wrong door in the first guess (a 2 to 1 chance) then by changing you will get the right door.

I redded up the "if", too, so you could see it. Parboly you missed it the first three, four times through the sentence.