Good list.

I think I could talk myself into voting for just about anyone of the seventeen definitions.

Hmmm...let me think...just which definition would Hogmaster tsuwm think slick enough to instigate this 76th round of Hogwash?

Hey, I know! I'll apply my keen knowledge of the human psyche and reduce the variables...yeah!

First out the correct definition must be one of the short ones. That's tsuwm's style when he writes anything...I think his keyboard shuts down when he types six words. Ha! The answer is either A, D, i, G, or Q.

Mmm. Wait a minute...he knows that we know this, so I'll just bet that this time he has constructed a long definition to trick us.

Ok, there are only three definitions over one line long; C, L, and O.
It is obvious that L and O were written by Consuello, ElizebethC, Belmarduk, Marianna, and the Asp. (although Consuello might have entered definition "F" on the side as she is the only person I know who would think a grimace "fantastic").

That leaves "C" to consider but as for me I'm voting for "i" because it is so simple, and yet creative.

I vote I.