no cables are more like multiplication

take the first 4 bits of a byte,
(take the first 4 stitches of cable)
and put them into into a register
(and put them onto a cable needle)
Process the Upper 4 bits
(knit the next 4 stitches)
Take the bits from the register and process them
(take the 4 stitches off the cable needle and work them)

its been eon since i did any assembly language, (and i might have messed up the jargon) but cables are more like multipication than anything else.

of course there are cable that (diamond say in aran) that function more like for next loops with limiters..
where X (the cable) progresses in 1 stitch increments till it equals a max number, and then decreases till min number and then repeats.

knitting directions look very much like assembly code.