I only asked about NoVA because (until 2004) I lived in Sterling for 16 years.
My son, in a Computer Science major in college, has encountered similar difficulties. The most astounding was a situation where one student was obviously cheating on software programming assigments.
The work he turned in was a direct cut-and-paste from online examples (including the comments!). What flabbergasted me was this:
when several students made a complaint to the instructor, the instructor addressed the issue by reprimanding the student (in private) for COPYING CODE COMMENTS FROM THE INTERNET.
You are apparently a software developer so you can appreciate how utterly ridiculous a concept this is!! Copying Comments!!
No penalty for cheating! No public disucssion about stealing his work.
This student received the same diploma as the rest of the class.
The only consoling factor is that this student will never keep a job as a software developer.

All: Please forgive the rant.

"I am certain there is too much certainty in the world" -Michael Crichton