
Basically, the person who later started that other board attempted to destroy this board (his stated intention was to "nuke" it, IIRC.) He was eventually barred, but only after causing huge amounts of strife, being on the borderline of stalking people who were attending an AWAD get-together, and generally making life miserable for those of us who have been around for some time.

I personally stayed away from the board for several months because of this person, and would prefer not to dwell upon it further, as the memories are less than healthful.

It would be best, quite frankly, if we refrained from further elucidation of this in public. If you require further information, I will reluctantly help you search the archives so you can see on your own what happened. I'd prefer not to, so unless you have some need to know other than curiosity, I suggest that we all move on to better topics.