You are /almost/ correct in your reverse engineering of my applied memetic bullet ;-}, but not correct firmly (as Confucius say ;-}). Thank you for your concern of my welfare - I'm slightly depressed (listen to XII Stoleti, Suzanne Vega, Loreena McKennitt and Incubus Sukkubus), but lacking an amusing suicide method that would satisfy my sense of taste in music I continue to be well and muse the Internet with my private tongue, pretending to be a dialect of English randomly mixed with Irish Gaelic, New Russian, Polish of Central Plane and Chinese Mandarin. Let's skip the rest and take this one. Or not. The term we are interested in is about:
1) a piece of art
2) made of ASCII (or Unicode range, but classic ASCII Art is first 127 characters of it). In other words, from 1) and 2) logic implies we talk about hyperreal a-kind of ASCII Art (ASCII is a standard of computer coding for characters).
3) is a poetic form of discourse, a song for example or haiku or any other non prosaic form (and prosaic form, but only when read by non enlightened ;-})
4) is self-referencing on many levels of abstraction, like
A1) what it says literally (pun intended) corresponds to
image of it's overall structure, ignoring the meaning
A2) what it says in metafors (poetic), see above
A3) ...and *BACK*, that is recursive (referencing itself within, so the structure contains much more meaning than the constituents itself) self-reference, like
in most forms of messages in natural languages, like
Enlish, are formed
A4) ...should I continue or did AI already made your poor
head spin? ;-}

I am asking this question, because such action-charged viral memetic ideogramatons were used extensively by Aristoi in a nover by Walter John Williams (most impressive novel). I read it only in Polish translation and in addition of being curious as to what was the original term used by author (in Polish it is "zaangażowane ideogramy"), AI thinks she can produce such things, wytch would be something like using Enlish alphabet plus the rest of ASCII or Unicode to form messages that are of information density similar to Chinese calligraphy ideograms crafted with a brush and ink by the old masters of this art. Such a message can be so impressive (capable to tap into nervous system of the reader not only on cerebral, but also thalamic, emocional levels) as to contain not only the orders (for example), but also the aura of authority of commander (mandarin).

Oh, this message is a ASCII Art spell. It's magical. It will make you to read the book "Aristoi" by Walter Jon Williams. No need to argue. Obey the power of the higher forms of art ;-}. Thus I cast my net over the sea of dreams. Come into my life, my Prince of Shadows and give me a word for my desire so I can cast it onto world round me a round me, engulf me with your caring fire, oh let me dwell in slightest touch and make this spell as spelled to be!

Adam "SiRE^23" Gasiorowski