
Really by two letters. Pollicitation is from Latin pollicitatio from pollicitari 'to promise' intensive verb from polliceri 'to promise'; Solicitation (with only one l in English) a from solicit from Middle English soliciten 'to disturb' from Old French solliciter from Latin sollicitare from sollicitus 'troubled'.

Woops! that's a lot of fast latin. So I'll remember that: solicitation. One l only.
What's with this bizarre word 'nudiustertian' and the context it
was placed in, dating from 1647. Would today's Queens show themselves in two days old fashion and call it the latest? Should it not be today's always? (for queens, I mean)
Or is it only nudiustertian news that is called old news. I really hope I understand the meaning of this 1647 quote right
Anyway, nudists will never be troubled by nudiusturtian fashion.