Yes!!!!! That is what I meant: ambitransitive verbs! And read, break , understand are perfectly fitting the idea.

I love your eleborate explanations and the comparisons with the other languages. Specially the spanish solution: Blame it on the the bone and blame on the the car!
And the dutch part is fine but for a little detail.
Basically:"A telephone call by Jan has been received" would be translated as: "Er is een telefoontje van Jan ontvangen (or binnengekomen) "
"Er wordt door Jan getelefoneerd" would be translated as: "Jan is making a telephone call" This dutch sentence tells no more than that Jan is in the act of making that call.

The second exemples you give about dutch are very accurately correct.
I reall love this kind of stuff.
This amateur (not fanatic)is very grateful for this expert's, yes, complicated but very interesting explanations