But I persevered because, dammit, you people are my friends! Even if some of you do question my sanity. And we have to devote energy to our friends, accept their foibles, and require of them that they accept ours.

Dearest Ted, thank you, my friend. My feelings exactly.
I shall tentatively offer a clarification. I most definitely do not object to asides as comebacks--that
utterly charms me. I was starting to get concerned that
new threads completely unrelated to language were being proferred. Again, I am in no position to say "no-no".
'Twas more intended as food for thought. As has been said
before, anyone is free to read or not read, post or not
post. But--there are people here I would hate to lose, and if putting my head on the chopping block is what it takes to keep them, why, I decided to do it, that's all. 'Tis my opinions, but the post was prompted by a message--and not from the first person, either--that indicated a level of
frustration high enough to give consideration to leaving.

Oh, and Ted, dear, funny Ted: I don't think any of us
question whether you are sane!