I have to agree (and I "never" feel like I have to agree with "anyone") with everyone (no I am not a politician). I believe there are plenty comments that belong in personal messaging, even though I enjoy some of those, who am I to say which ones are "inappropriate" (I will forward a list on request). There are some new folk (and peoples) with specific personalitiy traits (youth, etc...(to mention one)) that even "the others' advocate" I love to be cannot follow. I would hate to loose the ocassional tiff between ______ and _______ (fill in the blanks), even if it means a tangent that brings us into talking about talking about it. It is indeed the third layer of "talking about it" that takes it into personal space (or at least invades this one).

I tried getting the daily archive, and reading just that, but that is too far removed from context, and end up reading them twice.

I think JazzO has an excellent platform for strangers and newbies alike to dive from....

Could we "shy away" from signature files? (That's all I really wanted to say)