[quote]My personal preference would be to keep things mainly
language-focused, with only occasional multi-post driftings-away into other things. As I said when I was the pretend guest, one of the things I love best about this place are the aside tidbits that reveal something of who we really are. It seems to me that lately, the former asides are becoming more and more the main discussions, but. [/but]

You may have a point, Jackie. On the psotive side of the ledger, the last couple of days have seen several word-related threads, on regional pronunciation, and variant names, typos, and, of course, the discussions on the Weekly Themes. Several of those who have just joined us have also helped by asking old questions anew, and occasionally reviving old threads. Given the fact that we are a garrulous lot, perhaps the best that can be hoped for is that the occasional reminder such s this, even dropped right into a meandering thread, will help us regain the stern discipline, and ruthless singularity of focus which attracted us here to begin with.
I hope that we can find a happybalance, keeping a primary focus on the words, rather than the stories, but the stories often involve such interesting words. As one of the naughtiest natterers, I pledge that I will try much harder to behave, at the very least for the duration of William Jefferson Clinton's term of office.