Folks, this board has undergone changes since its inception months ago. No news there. It seems to me that it has undergone two fairly major changes over time. The first one was when there got to be so many postings that a lot of us began having great difficulty in even keeping up the reading, let alone anything more than that.

The second one has come about recently. I am referring to the fact that so many posts, even whole threads, have gotten so far away from being focused on language. Now, in one sense, this is not a complaint: most are pretty interesting. But in another sense, it is a complaint: a little part of me is protesting, "But this is not what I signed up for".

It does not fall to one person, excepting Anu, to give directives to the entire group, and that is not what I'm trying to do. If people want to continue so much chat about non-language things, they can certainly do that. But I think I and some others may have to start weighing whether reading through posts for an hour to find a few sentences about language is worth the time it takes.

My personal preference would be to keep things mainly
language-focused, with only occasional multi-post driftings-away into other things. As I said when I was the
pretend guest, one of the things I love best about this place are the aside tidbits that reveal something of who we really are. It seems to me that lately, the former asides are becoming more and more the main discussions, but.