I wrote...

Policing words and distorting reality is something best left to the Word Police among us - they, unlike good people, enjoy being unhappy and enjoy others being unhappy too.

So etaoin decided to write this...

...agree with most of this. except the last sentence with implied superiority and judgement. that's beneath you, Milo.

Now Etaoin, just what do you mean "implied"?

Are you implying that I'm not a better person than the Word Police? And really, yankee Etaoin, are you really suggesting that I shouldn't use "judgement"? Wow!

Gee Etaoin, you have every right to morally judge what is "beneath" me, but when a small group of elitist protectors of other humans of whom they, by their paternalism, demostrate that they think them to be beneath them, then, yes, they are "bad" people and I am better than they.

You do believe that all men are equals and should be treated as such, now don't you Etaoin?